An Art Piece By Richard Monteleone
Richard Monteleone is a retired college professor, working visual artist, former Vice President for Project Light of Manatee, Inc., Ambassador for Ringling Museum of Art, and the Artistic Director of The Community Center for The Arts, Inc. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from The University of The Arts, Philadelphia, PA., and a four-year Certificate of Fine Arts from The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA.
Project Light is honored to present Richard’s art piece “Reflection” at our First Annual Winter Fundraiser Event, “Bubbles, Beats & Bites” on December 3rd as our main live auction item.

Coming from a family of immigrants himself, “Reflection” is a visual representation of his and his family's experience of seeking a better life in a different country all the while trying to overcome a language and cultural barrier.
“I am of Italian and Polish heritage. My family came to America in 1917 via Ellis Island. Like all families that dreamed of a better life, my ancestors worked hard to learn the language and secure a job. My family did not have a resource like Project Light. It was vital for them to create a new culture; culture and family life filled with freedom, creativity, expansion, and pride.”
“The painting “Reflection” illustrates this experience through an abstract/non-objective level. The fragmented face, with an open mouth and sectioned head, represents the possibility of the contribution of my family’s voice and thoughts integrated into a new homeland. The circles in close proximity represent the infinity, wholeness, totality, cyclic, and presence of a god. The colors are subtle gestures, and an overall kind and conscious narrative of a moment in time when all was well in the world.
This piece is vintage and originally created over 27 years ago. I kept this piece in my own personal gallery for this time because of its meaning and legacy. I am finally willing to let it go, to enter the progress of yet another American dream for the students, staff, board, and community for Project Light. “
You may acquire this art piece by participating in our live auction at our event “Bubbles, Beats & Bites” on Dec 3rd from 6-8 PM to take place at Art Avenue On Palm, 1289 N.Palm Ave. Sarasota, FL 34236.