about us

"Project Light helped me improve my English and get a better job."
Integrate adult English language learners into the economic, educational, and social fabric of the community.
Support the advancement of adult learners through English proficiency, literacy, citizenship, and employment skill development.
We welcome diversity. We embrace cultural differences. We recognize the right of all individuals and acceptance without biases based on differences of any kind.
Founder & Board Member Ann Griffin talks about the beginning of Project Light

Top: Sister Nora. Bottom: Ann & Ed Griffin
Humble Beginnings
Sister Nora
In 1994, Sister Nora Brick and Ed & Ann Griffin joined efforts and founded Project Light to teach English to adult speakers of other languages in our community. They felt that competency in English would equip the students with the confidence and skills necessary to fully participate as productive members of our community.
Founded on the principles of access, equality, dignity, and opportunity for all, Project Light continues to carry out its mission.
Our student population is diverse, representing Mexico; Central and South America; Haiti and the Caribbean.
We at Project Light see clearly the positive impact we have on our students. We see their smiling faces and joy when they get their first job... are better able to communicate with their children's teachers and help them with homework... are able to advocate for their families' health needs.
In addition our students are great advocates of our program as they become role models for their peers.
Project Light Students & Teachers
Project Light has operated continuously since 1994. Except for our Executive Director and the executive Administrative and Curriculum Developer, our teachers, office workers, and Board of Directors are volunteers.
The hard work and dedication of all of these people are the foundation of Project Light. Project Light is a unique, highly accessible language and literacy center with morning and evening classes for English language learners. Project Light is a non-profit and non-religious organization supported by grants, fund raisers, and a large number of generous individuals and organizations.
2001 - An Old Garage Becomes a School

The Board of Project Light took a big step in 2001 when they bought an old garage and converted it into a school with a thrift store to support it. That building now has six classrooms, offices, and a library with a fenced parking lot.
2022 - The School Gets a Facelift

Project Light Language School is proud to announce that the long-awaited renovations on the school’s building have been completed. With the help of The Selby Foundation the nonprofit is able to enter the new year with a fresh facade and proudly welcome students for the second semester of the school year.